NOM 035 | alivia corp page contents




What is Alivia?

An online platform used by HR departments as a tool to detect potential psycho-social risks in the companies.  HR can follow-through wellness programs such as mental health workshops, therapy, and medical treatment.  We follow the Mexican norm NOM035 and STPS.  


How my personal data is protected?

Alivia follows global standards in mental health data protection besides the Mexican norm NOM035 and STPS recommendations.  The HR department can ONLY see the employee's general result, and the specifications of each diagnostic can ONLY be seen by health professionals in case therapy o medical treatment is needed. 


As part of HR, how much control do I have over information?

You are in charge of giving access to employees (with or without email), select the number of tests they will answer individually, and receive instant feedback once the tests are finished.  You can also see who has anwered which tests and be able to send reminders. Finally, generate statistical and historical reports, and check the improvements for each individual.


How safe is ALIVIA?

We use DigitalOcean® as a server to stock encripted information to avoid malicious activity.  



En sucesos traumáticos severos a nivel individual


  • ALIVIA recibe apoyo de los médicos reconocidos en el Estado de Chihuahua en psiquiatría y psicología.
  • La plataforma ofrece un directorio para recibir tratamientos en salud mental en base al diagnóstico personalizado.
  • Puede ser utilizado por la empresa o de forma personal al tener acceso directo en la plataforma de empleado. 


Informar y sensibilizar a nivel grupal


  • Elimina el estigma en salud mental.  
  • Acceso directo desde la platafora Alivia.
  • Talleres y pláticas para prevenir riesgos psico-sociales en base a diagnóstico personalizado.
  • Variedad de temas con impacto divertido o didáctico.
  • Llevados a cabo por un profesional de salud.